Mathematics 1A, Fall 2005

Professor: Vaughan Jones (The other 1A classes are taught by Borcherds and Liu.)

Office hours: MWF 1:30-2:30 927 Evans Hall. (For quick questions ask me after class.)

Our class meets in 10 Evans, 3-4pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This is the course home page (address If you take this course you are expected to attend lectures, enroll in and attend one of the discussion sections, do the homework each week, and take the two midterms and the final.

<--Enrollment in discussion sections is handled by telebears and the head TA, --> If you wish to add or drop this course after telebears ends, here is the form and instructions. The deadline to add or drop without the dean's approval (which is rarely given) is 2005 September 30.

  • ControlSectionTime Place Instructor
    54396 001 MWF 0300 0400 P 10 EVANS Jones, Vaughan

    Catalogue Description: Mathematics 1A

    Course Format: Three hours of lecture and three hours of discussion per week.

    Prerequisites: Three and one-half years of high school math, including trigonometry and analytic geometry, plus a satisfactory grade in one of the following: CEEB MAT test, an AP test, the UC/CSU math diagnostic test, or 32. Consult the mathematics department for details. Students with AP credit should consider choosing a course more advanced than 1A. There is an online exam you can take to help you decide whether or not you are ready to take this course.

    Credit option: Students will receive no credit for 1A after taking 16B and 2 units after taking 16A.

    Description: This sequence is intended for majors in engineering and the physical sciences. An introduction to differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable, with applications and an introduction to transcendental functions.


    Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 5th edition, Brooks/Cole. The ASUC textbook store sells a special edition of this for math 1A/1B for $60, and they will buy it back when you have finished for $30. (This special edition does not include the chapters for math 53, so if you intend to take math 53 later it may be better to buy the full textbook.) We will cover chapters 1-6. The 4th edition may have different exercises from the one we will use but is otherwise OK for the course.


    My goal is to teach the course material as clearly as possible. The biggest success for me would be to be able to assign an A grade to every student. According to past experience this is unlikely.

    From time to time I will add material or do examples that are not in the book in order to enhance understanding. When that occurs I will be careful to present a clear written account on the blackboard. Otherwise your main source of a clear written account is the textbook. Lectures are used to explain the content of the textbook, not reproduce it on the blackboard.

    It is my expectation that every student attend every class. It may happen that something prevents you from attending a class. In this case it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out exactly what was covered in that class and any announcements made.


    There will be a quiz given each week in the discussion sections. There will be no make-up quizzes.

    The grading will be:

    homework and quizzes 20%, midterms 15% each, final 50%.

    The final grade is not based on a curve or on previously fixed marks for certain grades. Instead the grades for the course will be based on my judgment of how well the class is doing, and will be higher if everyone is working hard at the homework and doing well on the exams. Grades will be assigned after consultation with other instructors of MATH1A.

    Almost all the questions in the midterms or finals will be similar to randomly selected homework questions from the book, possibly with the constants in the questions changed. So if you understand how to do all the homework questions you will be able to do almost all the questions on the exams. Each question on the exams will be worth 3 points. The grading scheme is: 3 points for a completely correct answer, 2 points for an essentially correct answer with some minor errors, 1 point for a reasonable start on the question, 0 points for no significant progress. Students will never get extra partial credit by asking for it, as this is unfair to students who do not ask.

    I only change grades for exams or quizzes if there is a clear error on the part of the grader, such as adding up marks incorrectly or forgetting to grade a question. I will not increase grades just because someone needs a higher grade to graduate or get into some program.

    The final homework and quiz grade will be computed from the grades for the 10 best homeworks and quizzes, so it does not matter much if you forget one or two. If you miss the first midterm, your score for the second midterm will be doubled. If you miss the second then your score for the final will be weighted accordingly. If you miss both midterms or the final then you are in trouble. There will be no makeup exams or quizzes.


    You may bring one (ordinary sized) sheet of paper to the exams, with writing on one side for the midterms and both sides allowed for the final. Apart from this one sheet, the exams are "closed book". In particular you may not bring textbooks or notebooks or calculators.

    The dates for the midterms have not yet been set but will be announced at least two weeks ahead. The midterms occur during regular class hours in the regular lecture room.

    The second midterm will be on the material covered since the first midterm.

    The final is on Thursday Dec 15 12:30-3:30 pm and is in ?? not the usual lecture room. It will be mostly on the material covered after the second midterm, though there will be some problems on earlier material.


    Homework is due by the beginning of the Tuesday discussion section of the next week Late homework will not be accepted. The grade for homework will be based just on the number of questions attempted, as Berkeley does not at the moment have money to pay for homework grading. Collaboration on homework is fine, but if you hand in similar homework to your collaborator you should clearly state so and say who you are working with, in order to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. Be aware that you will be taking the exams ON YOUR OWN. If you collaborate on homework there is a risk that you do not fully understand the solutions. At the very least you should write the final version of your answer on your own.

    The homework assigned is intended to be minimal. If you are still finding the questions difficult after completion of the homework assignment you should do some of the unassigned exercises.

    Incomplete grades

    Incomplete "I" grades are almost never given. The only justification is a documented serious medical problem or genuine personal/family emergency. Even then you are required to be doing work at a passing level. Falling behind in the course or problems with workload on other courses are not acceptable reasons.

    Special arrangements.

    If you are a student with a disability registered by the Disabled Student Services (DSS) on UCB campus and if you require special arrangements during exams, you must provide me with the DSS document and you must contact me via office hours at least 18 days prior to each exam, explaining your circumstances and what special arrangements are requested. If you do not contact me 18 days in advance then I will not have time to make arrangements and you will have to take the exam along with everyone else and under the regular conditions provided for the class.

    Reading and Homework Assignment

    Most questions have answers in the back of the book, and many (the ones in red in the book) have hints on one of the CDs. Homework and reading will be assigned (on this page) at the beginning of each week. Homework is due at the first discussion section of the following week.

    Week 1:

  • Reading: 1.1-1.6
  • Homework: 1.1: 1, 5, 7, 15, 17, 25, 29, 39, 41. 1.2: 3, 11, 13. 1.3: 3, 5, 23, 29. 1.5: 1, 17, 20. 1.6: 5, 7, 21, 23, 27, 31, 35.

    Week 2:

  • Reading: 2.1-2.3
  • Homework:2.1: 1,3,5,7. 2.2: 1,7,9,13,15,25,35. 2.3: 7, 11, 19,26,27,43,44. Some limits as x gets large

    Week 3:

  • Reading 2.4-2.8
  • Homework: 2.4: 1,3,5,13,15,27. 2.5: 1,3,5,9,32,41,45. 2.6:1,15,29,53. 2.7:1,9,19

    Week 4:

  • Reading 2.8-3.2
  • Homework: 2.8: 3, 5, 9a, 15,20, 23,35,36. 2.9: 1,3,5,9,21,37,41,43. 3.1:1,13,16,29,31,47,55,57. 3.2:1,3,5,7,21,23.

    Week 5:

  • Reading 3.3-3.6
  • Homework: 2.4: 37,41,42. 3.4: 1,3,5,9,21,37,47. 3.5:1,3,13,16,29,31,55,57. 3.6:1,3,5,11,21,38.

    Week 6:

  • Reading 3.7-3.9
  • Homework: 3.7: 1,3,5,13,25,35,36,59. 3.8:1,3,13,16,29,35,44,51,52. 3.9:1,3,5,11,21,49,55.

  • Tartaglia's poem. Cubic

    Week 7:

  • Reading 3.10,3.11,4.1,4.2
  • Homework: 3.10: 1,3,7,13,27,35,38. 3.11:1,3,5,7,13,16,29,33,35,50. 4.1:1,3,5,11,13,15,29,31,43,49,61.

    Week 8:

  • Reading 4.2,4.3,4.4
  • Homework: 4.2: 1,3,7,11,15,17,19,21,25,31. 4.3:1,3,5,7,9,13,16,21,27,29,31,45. 4.4:1,3,5,11,21.

    Week 9:

  • Reading 4.5,4.7.
  • Homework: 4.4: 31,37,47,53,59,74. 4.5:1,3,9,21,31,45,59. 4.7:3,5,11,27,29.

    Week 10:

  • Reading 4.9,4.10.
  • Homework: 4.7: 31,37,57. 4.9:1,4,5,7,15,18,29,31. 4.10:1,5,11,13,19,35,45,49,53,59,63.

    Week 11:

  • Reading 5.1,5.2.
  • Homework: 5.1: 1,3,5,13,17,21,22. 5.2:1,3,5,7,17,21,29,37,47.

    Week 12:

  • Reading 5.3,5.4.
  • Homework: 5.3: 1,3,5,9,11,13,17,21,23,31,41,61,64,67. 5.4:1,5,12,33,43.

    Week 13:

  • Reading 5.5,5.6.
  • Homework: Happy Thanksgiving.

    If you want to get ahead do the following but they won't be due until next the week after next 5.5:1,3,5,7,11,15,21,27,31,35,49,53,65.

    Week 14:

  • Reading 5.6,6.1,6.2.
  • Homework: 5.5:1,3,5,7,11,15,21,27,31,35,49,53,65. 6.1:1,3,5,11,29,41,47. 6.2:1,3,5,11,15,41,43,47.

    Note that this is the last homework that will be handed in. There will be one more assignment but it's due date would be beyond the end of the semester. Do not think that this means you don't need to do this assignment! The material it covers will be examined in the final. If you are unable to do any of the problems make sure you consult me or your TA.

    Week 15:

  • Reading 6.2,6.3,6.5.
  • Homework: 6.2:49,51,55. 6.3:1,3,11,21,31,39. 6.5:1,3,9,13,17.

    The Final exam will be on Thursday December 15 in 1 Pimentel from 12:30 to 3:30. It will cover the whole course with an emphasis on material from 5.1 on.

    Practice Final

    Here is a link to an exam archive:

  • Exam archive.

    Practice midterm2

    An alternative way to visualize the derivative:


    Links related to the course: