From: (Stacy Prowell) Subject: PRELUDE TO RED IGUANA DAWN (3 of 5) Lemonade Date: 14 Mar 1994 15:00:42 GMT Message-ID: <2m1u6qINNbut@CS.UTK.EDU> In this post I find myself having a relaxing discussion with Publius... ---- Re: CONTROVERTED QUESTIONS [Scene: Doctor Stan and I are sitting in a moss-covered cabanya in the hills of North Carolina. It is unseasonally warm and pleasant. We are both sipping lemonade.] In article <2k6lro$>, (Publius) writes: |> "Looking at the matterfrom the most rigidly scientific point of |> view, the assumption that, amidst the myriads of worlds scattered |> through endless space, there can be no intelligence, as much greater |> than man's as his is greater than a blackbeetle's, no being endowed |> with powers of influencing the course of nature as much greater than |> his, as his is greater than a snail's, seems to me not merely |> baseless, but impertinent." [I take a sip of my lemonade to try to wash the huge block of syntax down.] Me: [Scratching my head as I try to make sense of Stan's run-on sentence] I'd hate to have to diagram that sentence. That seems a little long-winded, even for you, Stan. Also, I think you said life "didn't happen anywhere else" in an earlier post. Are you reversing that stance now? (Publius) says: |> Without stepping beyond the analogy of |> that which is known, it is easy to people the cosmos with entities |> in ascending scale until we reach something practically |> indistinguishable from omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. Me: Analogy of that which is known? I don't have a clue what that means, Stan. Besides, I don't think you know what those words mean. Omnipotence doesn't just mean "really powerful," or "more powerful than me *and* my cat-" Orithyia: Meow! Me: ...uh, me and my *wife* combined. Besides, are you reversing your earlier stance or not? (Publius) continues: |> Thomas H. Huxley - The Crew of the "Enterprise"- and PUBLIUS |> (Essays Upon Some Controverted Questions) |> P.S. - Sure beats the Life-less God of the Atheist Religion! Me: Uh, if the god is lifeless, then it isn't a god. I've been trying to tell you this. Have you heard a word I've said? (Publius) quietly sips his lemonade: |> Me: Hello? -- -- _Stacy Prowell_______sprowell@utkcs.utk.edu_ | | | The mysterious UNIX paradigm: | | | | "No design is better than a bad design." | | - Ken Thompson | |____________________________________________|