Past PhD Students

The first author is the past PhD student. The second author is the official advisor.

Title Author Yearsort descending Publication type
Perturbation of Differential Operators Henry Paul Kramer; Frantisek Wolf 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Homogeneous Processes Leo Breiman; Michel Loeve 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The application of fixed-point theorems to the perturbation of ordinary differential equations Marvin David Marcus; Stephen P. L. Diliberto 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On the Behavior of an Analytic Operator in Banach Space in the Neighborhood of a Singular Point John Ben Butler, Jr.; Frantisek Wolf 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Certain Groups of Operators in Banach Space Gregers Louis Krabbe; Charles B. Morrey Jr. 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Fixed Point Theorems in Banach Space Walter Thomas Kyner, Jr.; Stephen P. L. Diliberto 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Topics in the theory of arithmetical classes and Boolean Algebras Robert Lawson Vaught; Alfred Tarski 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
I. Games of infinite length. II. A non-degenerate formulation and simplex solution of linear programming problems Phillip Starr Wolfe; Edward William Barankin 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Asymptotic developments of water waves obliquely incident to a dock Robert Arthur Fuchs; Hans Lewy 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Webbing Derivatives and their Integrals Hewitt Kenyon, deceased; Anthony Morse 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On the Power of Some Tests for Independence Hendrik S. Konijn; Erich Lehman 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On Fourier Coefficients of Absolutely Continuous Measures Paul Jacob Koosis; John L. Kelley 1954 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Problem of Within Family Contagion William R Gaffey; Evelyn Fix 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On a Stieltjes Integral Joseph William Weihe; Anthony Morse 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Investigations in Asymptotic Perturbation Series Vernon Albert Kramer; Frantisek Wolf 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Topics in measure theory: I. Restricted measurability. II. Measure splitting and average measurability Trevor James McMinn; Anthony Morse 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The concept of sets enchained by a stochastic process and its use in cascade shower theory Bayard Rankin; Lucien M. LeCam 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Perturbation of the Continuous Spectrum Marvin Rosenblum; Frantisek Wolf 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Contributions to the mathematical theory of accident proneness, with particular reference to multiple exposure Howard Gregory Tucker; David H. Blackwell 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On the Theory of Ring-Logics and Universal Algebras Adil Mohamed Yaqub; Alfred Foster 1955 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)