Past PhD Students

The first author is the past PhD student. The second author is the official advisor.

Title Author Yearsort descending Publication type
The Periodic Solutions of the Differential Equations Belonging to the Elliptic Cylinder Dalip Singh Saund; J. H. McDonald 1924 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The normal quartic curve of four-space Marcus Skarstedt; Derrick Norman Lehmer 1924 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Triangles in-and-circumscribed to the Quartic Curves of Deficiency Zero Clifford Bell; Mellen Haskell 1925 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The solution of the differential equation of a vibrating membrane by successive approximations Takashi Terami; J. H. McDonald 1925 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The elliptic cylinder differential equation Waldemar Joseph Trjitzinsky; J. H. McDonald 1926 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Part I. The relation of Weyl's geometry to Eddingtons's. Part II. A new Eddingtonian geometry with applications to differential geometry Edward Hawke Reimer; J. H. McDonald 1927 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On the number of solutions in Leuschner's direct method of determining parabolic orbits Charles Hugh Smiley; Mellen Haskell 1927 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Solution of homogeneous linear difference equations by means of infinite determinants Armenag Avedis Shaghoian; J. H. McDonald 1927 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Rational Quintics Autopolar with Respect to a Finite Number of Conics Dewey Colfax Duncan; Mellen Haskell 1928 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
A family of Autopolar Sextic Curves Edward Biffer Roessler; Mellen Haskell 1929 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On autopolar rational quintic curves Lee Houghton Swinford; Mellen Haskell 1929 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Curves autopolar with respect to a cyclic set of conics Elmer Colin Goldsworthy; Mellen Haskell 1929 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On a generalization of Plucker's surface Henry Jarvis Miles; Derrick Norman Lehmer 1929 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Concerning the Reducibility of the Characteristic Equation for a Ternary Continued Fraction James Bruce Coleman; Derrick Norman Lehmer 1929 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Conditions of Conformality in the Elliptic and Hyperbolic Geometry H. Randolph Pyle; Putnam 1931 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Graphic Representation in Enumerative Geometry Saul Pollock; Derrick Norman Lehmer 1931 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Projective transformation-group on a hyperquadric in four-dimensional space Kamcheung Woo; Mellen Haskell 1932 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Magic cubes which are uniform step cubes Emma Whiton McDonald; Derrick Norman Lehmer 1933 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Period sub k continued function expansions of quadratic irrationalities Paul Martin Singer; Derrick Norman Lehmer 1933 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Theory of Associate Rings Irving Sussman; Alfred Foster 1933 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)