Spring 2000 Colloquium

At the bottom of this page is a list of downloadable PDF files of the available abstracts of the Spring 2000 Colloquium talks.

Spring 2000

Date Speaker Title
January 20 Ming Gu, UCLA Some new progress in matrix computations
January 27 Eitan Tadmore, UCLA DiPerna Lecture: High Resolution, Negative Norms and the Convergence of Central Schemes
February 3 Albert Schwartz, UC Davis Noncommutative geometry and duality in physics
February 10 Peter W. Shor, AT&T Research A survey of quantum algorithms
February 17 Tatiana Toro, University of Washington Potential theory and regularity of non-smooth domains
February 24 Mark Haiman, UC San Diego Macdonald polynomials, Hilbert schemes, and the McKay correspondence
March 2 Richard Montgomery, UC Santa Cruz Figure eights with three bodies
March 9 Doron Levy, UC Berkeley Optimal prediction methods for nonlinear PDEs
March 16 Tobias Colding, Courant Institute Embedded minimal surfaces and 3-manifold topology
March 23 Arnaud Beauville, Universite de Paris-Sud Riemannian holonomy and algebraic geometry
March 30 Spring Break!
April 6 Stephen Bigelow, UC Berkeley Representations of braid groups
April 13 Patrick Gerard, Universite de Paris-Sud Semiclassical measures and propagation of high frequency waves in oscillating media
April 20 Dror Bar-Natan, Hebrew University and UC Berkeley From Stonehenge to Drinfeld's skipping all the details
April 27 Daniel Tataru, Northwestern University The FBI transform, Strichartz type estimates and the nonlinear wave equation
May 4 Tony DeRose, Pixar Animation Studios How geometry is changing Hollywood

The colloquium meets Thursdays at 4:10pm in 60 Evans Hall, except the Chern lecture on September 16, which takes place in Sibley Auditorium (Bechtel Hall), and the Bowen lectures, which take place in 10 Evans (November 9 & 11) and 50 Birge (November 10). Lectures last 50 minutes and are followed by a short question period. The mathematical public is cordially invited to attend.

Maciej Zworski, Colloquium chair